We are Open on Monday, July 3rd | Emergency Service available on Tuesday, July 4th 435-628-4334

Slab Leak Repairs, Slab Leak Repair Services, Slab Leak Prevention, Slab Leak Maintenance & Plumbing CompanySt. George, UT, St. George, UT, Cedar City, UT, Washington, UT, Santa Clara, UT & Ivins, UT

Let Us Repair Your Slab Leaks In the greater St. George area

Houses are generally either built with a crawl space underneath or on top of a concrete slab with the plumbing running underneath. Slabs are often preferred and used in new home builds because they prevent water damage and home settling associated with crawl spaces. However, plumbing lines are easily accessible in crawl spaces whereas they are set underneath slabs. This makes slab leaks harder and more time-consuming to repair compared to leaks in-home set on a crawl space.

Slab Leak Repair Services

A slab leak occurs when one of the plumbing pipes under a slab foundation bursts. This can be due to pressure, corrosion, or even improper installation. They can cause a lot of damage if not treated quickly, so you’ll want to give us a call if you notice a leak in or around your home. Slab leaks usually require a professional to find the source of the leak and treat it. Our treatment plans depend on the type of leak, but no matter what we will choose the option that impacts your home as little as possible.

Contact us today for professional slab leak repairs

S&S Mechanical has been offering plumbing services and slab leak repairs since 1983, which makes us experts in the field. If you find a slab leak is impacting your home we want to be there to fix the issue as soon as possible, usually within two hours of when you call us. Our goal is to get your home or business back into working order so you don’t have to worry about any extra damage. Give us a call at 435-393-0103 to make an appointment!

Plumbing Company in St. George, UT | Slab Leak Repairs St. George, UT | Slab Leak Prevention Cedar City, UT

Slab Leak RepairsSlab Leak MaintenanceSlab Leak PreventionSlab Leak Repair ServicesPlumbing Company ∴ Santa Clara, UT ∴ Cedar City, UT ∴ St. George, UT

"S&S Mechanical Contractors is committed to WINNING customers and KEEPING those customers with unmatched value and customer experience. Experience equals convenience, communication, education and removing anything the customer would see as friction." -Cory Pincock, Owner